
Planting Seeds [5年生]

Using a new textbook for fifth grade this year has brought a new curriculum as well as some new fun things to do with the kids.  After studying parts of a plant, we decided to grow some of our own from seed!

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After teaching the five plant names, each student got to choose one of them by lottery.  5-2 was able to plant on Thursday, April 28 just before the start of Golden Week, while 5-1 and 5-3 planted on Friday, May 6.  


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The students planting the snapdragons, balloon vines, and bitter gourds received small black pots and stapled their names to them.  Those planting the poppys and dianthuses received a larger white or blue pot to plant their seeds in.  

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After putting dirt in their pots, they were able to compare the seeds.  They were amazed at how small the flower seeds were compared to the big bitter gourd seeds.  The balloon vine seeds are very popular among the kids as there is a heart imprinted on every seed. 

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By using various kinds of seeds, the kids were also able to learn that not all seeds are planted the same way.   

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The kids were suprised when I pulled out another bag full of random seeds that I hadn't told them about.  They broke up into pairs and planted 3 mysterious seeds.  They have to wait for them to grow to find out what they are.   

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Here are the finished products after planting.  The kids are looking forward to seeing their beautiful flowers and making a green curtain for the teacher's office and their classrooms.

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 Update of 5-2's pots after two weeks are below.






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